
longing [ˈlɒŋɪŋ]  [ˈlɔ:ŋɪŋ] 


longing 基本解释


形容词渴望的; 极想得到的


longing 相关例句



1. Mother's longing for her son to come home.

longing 网络解释

1. 渴望:此外,已由渴望(longing)、希望(hope)以及重返家园的1趋力(drive)构成的东西,和还没有由这些[驱力]构成的东西,这两者的混合体,在伟大的哲学中无论如何是埋藏着的:如柏拉图的爱(Eros),亚里士多德有深远意义的物质(matter)概念(朝向本质发展的潜在可能性),

2. 悲情年代:创意先锋 The Prime Years | 1997 悲情年代 Longing | 炽火豪情 Courage Of Fire

3. 欲:04. Gone With Leaves 飘:胡杨林 | 05. Longing 欲 | 06. At Emperor's Palace 闯秦宫

4. <渴 望> H.Kjerulf [挪]叶罗夫:137.LeCoucou<杜鹃>C.Daquin[法]达坎 | 138.Longing<渴望>H.Kjerulf[挪]叶罗夫 | 139.LongingForHome<思乡>AlbertJungmann[普]杰曼

longing 词典解释

1. 渴望;热望;憧憬
    If you feel longing or a longing for something, you have a rather sad feeling because you want it very much.

    e.g. He felt a longing for the familiar...
    e.g. Imelda spoke of her longing to return home...

longing 单语例句

1. longing是什么意思

1. His inspiration for the spring summer collection currently in the store is said to come from a poem about the longing between a separated couple.

2. The conservatory recital included traditional Chinese folk songs Flowing Water in a Creek and Longing, as well as a number of Russian songs.

3. She also remembers with great longing reading Du Fu's lovely poems as a child - the beginning of an enduring love affair with Tang poetry.

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4. There are 28 million people with paralyzed limbs in China, and many are longing to drive but have been deprived of the right.

5. They helped disseminate the spirit of Chinese people's longing for peace and friendship.

6. The vitality of life, longing for love and the conflict of reality are examined through body language.

7. Woman artist Lin Xin's futuristic paintings are featured at the project space of Other Gallery, under the title of Longing for Temptation.

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8. There is nothing wrong for their longing to go to school, ''Tian said.

9. Yet we do instantly recognize the helpless eyes, the strong desire to live and the longing for a little warmth.

10. For homesick southerners longing for a taste of nostalgia, this is the place to go.

longing 英英释义


1. longing什么意思

1. prolonged unfulfilled desire or need

    Synonym: yearning hungriness