look ahead

look ahead [luk əˈhed]  [lʊk əˈhɛd] 

look ahead 基本解释

动词计划未来,预测未来; 预取

look ahead 网络解释


1. 先行:针对以往群体智能聚类算法中分类错误率较高、算法运行时间较长等不足,提出记忆体方法和基于密度的先行(look ahead)策略. 用人工数据集和真实数据集进行实验,将实验结果进行比较分析. 分析结果表明,基于密度的启发性群体智能聚类算法能够得到令人满意的聚类结果,

2. 展望:关于公因子的问题,可以改写算法(提取公因子),也可以通过展望(look ahead)更多符号的方法来解决. 但是因为javacc扩展了经典的BNF,因此它面临更多的问题. 总之,当在编译时碰到冲突问题时,就说到了一个choice point.

look ahead 词典解释

1. 展望未来;规划未来
    If you look ahead, you think about what is going to happen in the future and perhaps make plans for the future.

    e.g. I'm trying to look ahead at what might happen and be ready to handle it.

look ahead 单语例句

1. Wu said there are difficulties and twists ahead and the six parties are working hard to look for convergence of their interests.

2. look ahead的翻译

2. As 2008 is just around the corner, we look ahead to next year's property market.

3. Both rarely have decent starts but make the art of winning look effortless as they then pull ahead of the field.

4. " We look forward to receiving the president in Denmark, " he said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua ahead of Hu's arrival.

5. Muhammad stood impassively as the verdict was read, looking straight ahead with the same enigmatic look he had throughout the trial.

6. " We can't look too far ahead at this stage, " Strauss said of winning the Test.

7. It is a media tradition to look back at what has happened in the past year and how things will go in the year ahead.

8. He wasn't ready to look ahead to 2008, when he could dive in his home country as the defending Olympic champion.

9. look ahead在线翻译

9. Maybe I've got a bit ahead of myself but I bet the future won't look that much different.

10. I was on a diet and at moments like that, you look ahead and it seems as if the Games are a long way away.