look back

look back [luk bæk]  [lʊk bæk] 

look back 基本解释

look back的反义词

动词回顾; 倒退; 追忆; 回头一看

look back 网络解释

look back

1. 回顾:然而在第二阶段 -拟订计画(Plan)上,许多的研究也都显然而学生在经过第三阶段-执行计画(Carry Out) 之后,几乎是就将解念与知识,只因学生缺乏如Polya 所提的解题四阶段中的回顾(Look Back)探究研究对象学生为何缺乏回顾(Look Back)阶段,研究者发现由於学45 度角的方向,

2. 回顾,回头看:look at 看望,注视 | look back 回顾,回头看 | look down on 看不起,轻视

3. 回头看;回顾:look at 看着;看待 | look back 回头看;回顾 | look for 寻找,寻求;指望,期待

4. 回顾;回想;停止不前:look at 看着;注视;察看 . | look back 回顾;回想;停止不前 . | look down on 蔑视,看不起 .

look back 词典解释

1. look back

1. 追忆;回顾
    If you look back, you think about things that happened in the past.

    e.g. Looking back, I am staggered how easily it was all arranged.

look back 单语例句

1. I got back to Shanghai 10 days ago to catch a look at the Expo before the curtain closes on Oct 31.

2. The defence looks okay but maybe they need to look at extra cover for Francesco Coco at left back.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. At last their fathers will look like fathers again rather than older brothers who have just come back from the local skate park.

4. " have a look ", yet he decided not to go when he realized that he may not come back.

5. look back的反义词

5. She followed with a seductive roll onto her back and a devilish look to the side.

6. look back的反义词

6. They often dress up as ancient people, or use camera and other equipment to look back in history.

7. They turn back for a moment, as if to look at a camera lens.

8. It seems the traditional look and feel of the ancient city is being pushed back by futuristic skyscrapers and trendy shopping centres.

9. Older people look bored, annoyed and clueless to the generational change staring back at them.

10. When I look into their eyes with a smile, they looked back with affection and gentleness in their eyes.

look back 英英释义


1. look back upon (a period of time, sequence of events)

    e.g. she reviewed her achievements with pride

    Synonym: review retrospect

2. look towards one's back

    e.g. don't look back while you walk

    Synonym: look backward