look well

look well [luk wel]  [lʊk wɛl] 

look well 基本解释


look well 网络解释

1. 看起来气色不错:41.belong to 属于; | 42.look well看起来气色不错; | 43.call on sb拜访某人;

2. 身体看上去不错:look up to 尊敬 | look well 身体看上去不错 | lose some weight 减肥

3. 显得不错:look upon 看作 | look well 显得不错 | look

4. 是的 你也是 气色很好:You look good -- you look healthy, Papa.|你气色很好 很硬朗 爸爸 | Yes, and you, too, look well.|是的 你也是 气色很好 | What do you hear of Maria Elena?|有Maria Elena的消息吗?

look well 单语例句

1. look well在线翻译

1. Others offer audiences a look into personalities like Sarah Palin, as well as a murderer on death row and comic book fanatics.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. She believed correcting the drooping eyelids as well as bags and bulges around the eyes could make her look younger.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. Property investors smarting from this year's housing bust in the United States might do well to look farther afield - even out of this world.

4. Just look at how well bilateral trade has fared even in the face of all the economic difficulties.

5. look well

5. We take a look back at the big ten of China sports in 2009 as well as the year's leading sports movers and shakers.

6. look well

6. Zhang may look down his nose at an urban contemporary concept, but it may well work.

7. They are the elite of the elite, but you have to look well down the list to find a university from Asia.

8. look well的解释

8. First quarter growth figures may look well, but that only proves the success of the country's previous stimulus package.

9. The defence quite clearly may need another look as well in the three weeks before the start of USA 2003.

10. look well的近义词

10. " They look like they're healing well to me, " the agent says of the injuries.