
looseness [lu:snəs]  [lu:snəs] 

looseness 基本解释

名词松,松开,解除; 松度

looseness 相关例句


1. They were married with the utmost looseness.

2. His looseness in life has gravely affected his work.

3. The effect of this looseness in the laws is to encourage hasty, irresponsible marriages.

looseness 网络解释


1. 鬆弛:站起来后再看一下臀部、背靠部和扶手处的面料是否有明显松弛(looseness)且很久恢复(comeback)不了的褶子. 高档沙发坐垫应使用密度在30公斤/立方米以上的高弹泡沫海绵,背垫应使用密度25公斤/立方米以上的高弹泡沫海绵. 为提高坐卧舒适度,

2. 松开、解除:location 位置、场所、特定区域 | looseness 松开、解除 | luggage 行李、皮箱

3. 松度:loosenedrock 松散岩石 | looseness 松度 | looseningjunk 松散杂物

4. 松:loosen 解开 | looseness 松 | loosestrife 珍珠菜

looseness 英英释义



1. dissolute indulgence in sensual pleasure

    Synonym: profligacy dissipation dissolution licentiousness

2. movement or space for movement

    e.g. there was too much play in the steering wheel

    Synonym: play

3. the quality of movability by virtue of being free from attachment or other restraints

4. danci.911cha.com

4. a lack of strict accuracy
    laxity of practice

    e.g. misunderstandings can often be traced to a looseness of expression

5. looseness

5. freedom from restraint

    e.g. the flexibility and looseness of the materials from which mythology is made

6. frequent and watery bowel movements
    can be a symptom of infection or food poisoning or colitis or a gastrointestinal tumor

    Synonym: diarrhea diarrhoea looseness of the bowels