





looted 基本解释
抢劫,掠夺( loot的过去式和过去分词 );
looted 网络解释

1. 洗劫:looted洗劫 | aftermath后果 | overthrow推翻

looted 单语例句

1. He said protesters raided and looted the city's central police office.

2. looted的解释

2. During the recent unrest in the Solomon Islands'capital Honiara, dozens of residences and shops in the city's Chinatown were looted and set on fire.

3. Most of these museums are now publicly committed to not buying recently looted objects, and the morality of collecting archeological objects has come under debate.

4. China's top cultural heritage administrator reiterated its objection to auctions of illegally exported Chinese relics, including those looted during wars.

5. But the elephants'return worried local villagers because the elephants were often unable to find enough food in the wildlife reserves and looted villagers'crops.

6. looted什么意思

6. The riots in London last summer also raised visitors'concerns about the city's street policing, after images of burning buildings and looted shops were shown globally.

7. Since the coalition defeated Iraqi forces, many of the aircraft since have been looted or have fallen into disrepair.

8. Relief aid should start flowing to replace looted stocks of rice, beans and cornmeal.

9. The reports said that the oil field were damaged and looted after it was seized by the South Sudanese army.

10. There were reports that fires had been started and property looted, while police have been firing over the heads of crowds of people on the streets.

looted 英英释义



1. looted

1. wrongfully emptied or stripped of anything of value

    e.g. the robbers left the looted train
           people returned to the plundered village

    Synonym: pillaged plundered ransacked