
louder ['laʊdər]  ['laʊdər] 



louder 基本解释
louder 网络解释


1. 大声点:Get those masks on!|戴上氧气面罩! | Louder!|大声点! | There's an oxygen mask up above you|在你们头顶上有一个氧气面罩

2. 闭嘴 混蛋 再来一次 很好 大点声:Zip it, perf. Tell him to zip it.|闭嘴 混蛋 告诉他闭嘴 | Zip it, perf. Again, good, louder.|闭嘴 混蛋 再来一次 很好 大点声 | Zip it, perf.|闭嘴 混蛋

3. 大点声:She's a dirty little liar is what she is.|她是个下流的 小骗子 | Louder.|大点声 | You're a dirty little thing.|你这个下流的小东西

4. 很好. 很好. 大点声音 再大点声 - #教会他们:- # Are our future # - You're a ... | - Good, good. Louder though, louder. - # Teach them well #|- 很好. 很好. 大点声音 再大点声 - #教会他们# | - Like... Like you're trying to drown out some annoying n...

louder 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Actions speak louder than words, however the words of Olympic torch hero Jin Jing trumpeted louder than her brave deeds.

2. But as an old saying goes, actions speak louder than words.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. Actions will speak louder than words in all these areas, however.

4. louder

4. There were scattered boos before Ramirez batted leading off but cheers grew louder as he approached the plate.

5. louder是什么意思

5. I turned the TV louder and cocked an ear close to the speaker.

6. The combination of economic slowdown and easing inflation may give rise to louder calls for an ease in the monetary policy.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. Confucius taught his students that action always spoke louder than words, and he openly showed contempt of those who hid behind declarations of adulation and hypocrisy.

8. He said tests show that noise caused by old trains on the line was about 10 dB louder than new ones.

9. louder什么意思

9. People who think they are right have a louder voice and those who feel it beneath their dignity to reply just stay silent.

10. As the wealth gap continues to widen, the call for more direct government intervention is getting louder.