
loudly [laʊdlɪ]  [ˈlaʊdlɪ] 

loudly 基本解释

副词响亮地; 高声地; 吵闹地; 花哨地

loudly 相关例句



1. He wept loudly.

2. They were very loudly dressed.

loudly 网络解释


1. 大声地:常识运用逻辑推理词义比较老师当着全班同学的面(publicly)大声地(loudly)向朗读我写的作文,而与快速(fast),冷静(calmly)无关. (网上下载A选项为laid,怀疑有误,此处应该为一17. C. 常识运用开始有某个人 (somebody) 笑,

2. 高一些:Silence, please. 安静! | Loudly! 高一些! | Come to the front, please. 请到前面来.

3. 大声地;高声地:大声的;响亮的 loud | 大声地;高声地 loudly | 大厅 hall

4. 响亮地:loudish 声音稍高的 | loudly 响亮地 | loudmouth 高谈的人

loudly 单语例句

1. Soon I stopped being so negative about the holiday and was loudly giving my opinions about where we'd eat and how we'd celebrate.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The challenger maintained that record but was booed loudly for his negative tactics, especially in the eighth and ninth rounds.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. Chen wrote about his experience in the lyrics of his complaints choir's first show and sang especially loudly to appeal for migrant workers'rights.

4. loudly的意思

4. A leader from the Catholic sect cited the controversy over Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ as a reason to not protest too loudly.

5. A Japanese cicerone believed one of the greatest differences between Chinese and other Asian tourists is that the former usually talks loudly in public.

6. Equally, it is bad manners to clank your utensils loudly against your teeth.

7. The majority of the people involved loudly complain of the soaring housing prices.

8. loudly

8. " The pair were loudly engaged in ensuring the continuity of their species, " said Bremen police spokesman Ronald Walther.

9. She spoke so loudly at home that she seriously injured her vocal cords and had to have two surgeries.

10. Smith is shown snoring loudly on a couch while her colleagues keep their nemesis under surveillance.

loudly 英英释义



1. with relatively high volume

    e.g. the band played loudly
           she spoke loudly and angrily
           he spoke loud enough for those at the back of the room to hear him
           cried aloud for help

    Synonym: loud aloud

2. used as a direction in music
    to be played relatively loudly

    Synonym: forte

3. loudly

3. in manner that attracts attention

    e.g. obstreperously, he demanded to get service

    Synonym: obstreperously clamorously