
low-down [ˈləuˌdaun]  [ˈloˌdaʊn] 

low-down 基本解释



low-down 相关例句


1. Mark cheated all his friends; he is just a lowdown son of a bitch.


1. This is the lowdown on the whole event of the so-called election contest.

low-down 网络解释


1. 下等的:low-country 低地国家的 | low-down 下等的 | low-end 低档的

2. 非常低的:low-down 实情 | low-down 非常低的 | low-downornerythird-rate 下等的

3. 实情:实力strength | 实情low-down | 实施toimplementtocarryoutactualize

4. 低沉:6.Feel me感觉我 | 7.Low down低沉 | 8.Flying飞花

low-down 词典解释

1. low-down

1. 内幕;实情;真相
    If someone gives you the low-down on a person or thing, they tell you all the important information about them.

    e.g. We want you to give us the low-down on your team-mates.

2. 卑鄙的;无耻的;下流的
    You can use low-down to emphasize how bad, dishonest, or unfair you consider a particular person or their behaviour to be.

    e.g. ...a lowdown, evil drunkard...
    e.g. They will stoop to every low-down trick.

low-down 英英释义


1. slang terms for inside information

    e.g. is that the straight dope?

    Synonym: dope poop the skinny


1. (of jazz) having the soulful feeling of early blues

    Synonym: funky

2. of the most contemptible kind

    e.g. abject cowardice
           a low stunt to pull
           a low-down sneak
           his miserable treatment of his family
           You miserable skunk!
           a scummy rabble
           a scurvy trick

    Synonym: abject low miserable scummy scurvy