lunar crater

lunar crater [ˈlju:nə ˈkreitə]  [ˈlunɚ ˈkretɚ] 

lunar crater 基本解释
lunar crater 网络解释

lunar crater的解释

1. 月球火山 口:lunar calendar 阴历 | lunar crater 月球火山 口 | lunar cycle 太阴周

2. 月球圆坑:月华 lunar corona | 月球圆坑 lunar crater | 太阴日 lunar day

3. 火山口:clustered 群聚的 | lunar crater火山口 | termed 术语为......

4. 月面环形山:lunar corona ==> 月华 | lunar crater ==> 月面环形山 | lunar crust ==> 月壳

lunar crater 单语例句

1. lunar crater

1. The Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite will travel independently of the orbiter and crash into the lunar surface to search for water ice.

2. lunar crater是什么意思

2. NASA's previous Lunar Prospector mission detected large amounts of hydrogen at the moon's poles before crashing itself into a crater at the lunar South Pole.

lunar crater 英英释义

lunar crater的意思



1. a crater on the Earth's Moon