lunar orbit

lunar orbit [ˈlju:nə ˈɔ:bit]  [ˈlunɚ ˈɔrbɪt] 

lunar orbit 基本解释
lunar orbit 网络解释

1. 月軌道:温家宝表示,嫦娥1号卫星从距离地球38万公里的绕月轨道(Lunar Orbit)传回清晰图片,表示著中国首次探月工程的圆满成功. 英国<<金融时报(Financial Times)>>2007年11月22日报导,中国政府在11月22日改变不让美国小鹰号(USS Kitty Hawk,

2. 绕月轨道:向沿著地球-月球过渡轨道(Earth-Lunar Transition Orbit)飞行的嫦娥1号发出指令,使卫星发动机准时点火,22分钟后关机,随后北京飞控中心对各项测量数据进行计算,结果显示嫦娥1号已顺利进入椭圆形的绕月轨道(Lunar Orbit),绕月周期为12小

3. 月球轨道:月掩星 lunar occultation | 月球轨道 lunar orbit | 月球轨道计划(美) Lunar Orbiter Project

4. 环月轨道:earth orbit 地球轨道 | lunar orbit 环月轨道 | perigee 近地点

lunar orbit 单语例句

1. The lunar probe is in good condition and can continue flying in orbit.

2. The lunar orbiter would remain at the new height before scientists lower its orbit again to gather information for the future impact.

3. Ye said the second lunar orbiter will carry different payloads and orbit the moon in a different way.

4. The country's first lunar orbiter entered the moon's orbit after completing a critical maneuver, officials said yesterday.

5. It first circled the moon at a distance of 100 km, and then dropped into orbit about 15 km above the lunar surface.