
lurk [lɜ:k]  [lɜ:rk] 








lurk 基本解释

不及物动词潜伏,埋伏; 潜藏,潜在; 偷偷地行动

名词潜在,潜伏; <俚>欺骗,欺诈

lurk 同义词

动词creep sneak prowl slink hide

lurk 反义词


不及物动词appear emerge loom

lurk 相关词组

1. on the lurk : 暗中潜伏, 偷偷侦察;

lurk 相关例句


1. Danger lurks in that quiet river.

2. There is a suspicious man lurking in the shadows.

3. The villagers reported that the lion from the zoo was still lurking close to.

4. There's sb. lurking behind that bush.

lurk 网络解释

1. 潛行:13. unleash: 解开束缚,释放 | 14. lurk: 潜行 | 15. malady: 疾病

2. 埋伏:glitch 小故障 | lurk 埋伏 | manoeuvre 策略,演习,调动

3. 藏匿;埋伏;潛行;潛伏:lunge 刺;突進;擊 | lurk 藏匿;埋伏;潛行;潛伏 | make way 開路;讓路

lurk 词典解释

1. (通常指意图不轨地)潜伏,潜藏,埋伏
    If someone lurks somewhere, they wait there secretly so that they cannot be seen, usually because they intend to do something bad.

    e.g. He thought he saw someone lurking above the chamber during the address.

2. lurk

2. (危险、疑虑、恐惧等)暗藏,潜在
    If something such as a danger, doubt, or fear lurks somewhere, it exists but is not obvious or easily recognized.

    e.g. Hidden dangers lurk in every family saloon car...
    e.g. Around every corner lurked doubt and uncertainty.

lurk 单语例句

1. Devils lurk everywhere in summer and you never know when they will possess some stranger to erupt in violence or spontaneously combust.

2. Behind China's fast GDP growth and deepening economic reform lurk the shadows of social problems.

3. lurk

3. These fiendish fats are produced during the hydrogenation of plant oils and lurk in fried and processed foods.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. Outside of the omnipotent AL East, a few potential threats lurk.

5. lurk在线翻译

5. As core components of the machines are seriously worn after years of use, hazards lurk inside these shoddy commodities.

6. Even the spy story Lurk and the period drama War and Beauty were seen by many as office politics survival manuals.


7. But big risks lurk in the resultant influx of speculative currency if this choice is followed.

8. Wang says he feels lucky compared to drivers who lurk outside subway stations, as he did in 2009.

9. lurk的翻译

9. The scalpers lurk outside stores ready to pounce on anyone who walks out without Apple merchandise.

10. Free radicals are atoms or molecules that lurk where diseases like cancer and heart disease are found.

lurk 英英释义



1. wait in hiding to attack

    Synonym: ambush scupper bushwhack waylay ambuscade lie in wait

2. be about

    e.g. The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square
           Who is this man that is hanging around the department?

    Synonym: loiter lounge footle lollygag loaf lallygag hang around mess about tarry linger mill about mill around

3. lie in wait, lie in ambush, behave in a sneaky and secretive manner

    Synonym: skulk