
luxuriant [lʌgˈʒʊəriənt]  [lʌgˈʒʊriənt] 

luxuriant 基本解释

形容词华丽的; 茂盛的; 郁郁葱葱的; 绚烂的

luxuriant 相关例句


1. Farming was easy in this luxuriant soil.

2. Luxuriant forests covered the hillside.

3. Luxuriant forests covered the hills.

luxuriant 网络解释

1. 丰产的:luxuriancy 繁茂 | luxuriant 丰产的 | luxuriate 繁茂

2. 枝繁叶茂:郁郁葱葱 luxuriously green | 枝繁叶茂 luxuriant | 庄严 grandeur

3. 繁茂的:likely有可能的 | 132.luxuriant繁茂的 | luxurious奢侈的

4. 丰富的:表达:express voice utter pronounce, deliver, give voice to, pu... | 丰富的rich:abundant copious profuse ample, lush, prolific, luxuriant | 有害的bad: baneful evil harmful detrimental baleful, deleterio...

luxuriant 词典解释

1. luxuriant什么意思

1. 葱茏的;茂密的;茂盛的
    Luxuriant plants, trees, and gardens are large, healthy, and growing well.

    e.g. There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and luxuriant foliage.

2. (须发)浓密的,健康的
    If you describe someone's hair as luxuriant, you mean that it is very thick and healthy.

    e.g. Hair that's thick and luxuriant needs regular trimming.

luxuriant 单语例句

1. luxuriant什么意思

1. I loved to see a road connecting a remote village, a power transmission line bringing light to farmhouses or irrigated farmland draped with luxuriant vegetation.

2. These ginkgoes of all ages are luxuriant and green and give every visitor to Dandong a sense of their elegant demeanor.

3. luxuriant的近义词

3. Fan says she's promoting Chinese culture, as her wardrobes are the epitome of China at its luxuriant best.

4. luxuriant

4. Most other mammals seem quite content with a luxuriant growth of fur.

5. luxuriant在线翻译

5. At the end of the time tunnel is a green space filled with luxuriant plants representing a bright future.

6. But this immense territory is luxuriant and relatively unadulterated by human intervention.

7. When he arrived at the nine peaks, he saw the tranquil Sheshan Mountain covered with luxuriant trees.

8. Hidden in the luxuriant forest, the winding Scaling Ladder can be found on the roadside half way up the mountain.

9. This luxuriant bamboo forest is listed among the top 10 most beautiful forests in China.

10. luxuriant的意思

10. " You are lucky to see the grassland so green and luxuriant this year, " Bute said.

luxuriant 英英释义



1. produced or growing in extreme abundance

    e.g. their riotous blooming

    Synonym: exuberant lush profuse riotous

2. displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses

    e.g. an epicurean banquet
           enjoyed a luxurious suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs
           Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence
           a chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness

    Synonym: epicurean luxurious sybaritic voluptuary voluptuous

3. marked by complexity and richness of detail

    e.g. an elaborate lace pattern

    Synonym: elaborate