1. 狼人:背上巨大的石像鬼翅膀代表了他和暗夜世...一魔兽狼人(lycanthrope)历史介绍 Banehallow是天灾军团创造出来的狂兽魔神. 他曾经在黑森林居住了几年,以猎杀在那里迷路的无辜生命为乐. 现在他被召去援助他的主人.
2. 变狼狂患者:lyard 灰白条纹的 | lycanthrope 变狼狂患者 | lycanthropy 神通
3. 合成人狼:Justi-Break 正义雷击 x 2 | Lycanthrope 合成人狼 x 2 | Mad Dog of Darkness 暗黑的狂犬 x 2
4. 獸化人:Lizard Man 蜥蜴人 | Lycanthrope 獸化人 | medusa 蛇髮女妖
1. Some even state that the consumption of food prepared by a lycanthrope is enough to carry the infection.
2. Ashe Boderra:Ashe Boderra/a says to you, Well, Slezaf did play his symphony upon a very powerful lute made of items from the Plane of Fear, lycanthrope bones, and dragon scales...
Ashe Boderra :唔,Slezaf演奏时所用的鲁特琴是一件很强力的乐器,由恐惧异界的物品,人狼骨,龙鳞作成,也只有他自己才清楚了
3. A Lycanthrope is a man who's been transformed into a wolf.
1. a monster able to change appearance from human to wolf and back again
Synonym: werewolf wolfman loup-garou