
lyric [ˈlɪrɪk]  [ˈlɪrɪk] 



lyric 基本解释


形容词抒情的,抒情诗的; 感情丰富的; 歌喉柔美的; 音乐剧的

名词歌词; 抒情诗

lyric 同义词


lyric 反义词



lyric 相关例句


1. Claire wrote the lyrics for the song.

lyric 网络解释

1. 歌词:本片的片名和我们刚提到的这两种金手指有什么共同之处吗?无奈的是遍寻金山词霸并没有goldfinger 或者gold finger. 不过,也不用着急,且来看看我们的歌词(lyric)能给我们提供什么样的信息. 歌词大意:

2. 抒情诗:"抒情诗是纯诗质活力的产物",因此"抒情诗(lyric)和诗(poetry) 是同义字". 再加上柯立芝(Coleridge)的浪漫看法,"不管散文或韵文,所有成功的文学创造都是诗",那么我们可以回头也检到一句代表东方文学观的中国老话:所有的文学传统,

3. 作词:在百老汇,编剧(libretto)和作词(lyric)通常是两个人,本剧勇敢地舍弃对白,也不用类似京剧的念白或西洋歌剧的宣叙调,这还不算,作词人完全不知道怎样写叙事性歌词,几乎所有唱词全部是抒情的,跟当下那些自以为文才飞扬的文青似的,

lyric 词典解释

1. 歌词
    The lyrics of a song are its words.

    e.g. ...Kurt Weill's Broadway opera with lyrics by Langston Hughes.

2. lyric在线翻译

2. 抒情(诗)的
    Lyric poetry is written in a simple and direct style, and usually expresses personal emotions such as love.

    e.g. ...Lawrence's splendid short stories and lyric poetry.

lyric 单语例句

1. lyric的反义词

1. What emerged is a multitude of symbols and metaphors that will have dedicated fans dusting off their LPs and looking through lyric books.

2. Li Qingzhao is a famous female lyric song poet in Song Dynasty.

3. The thematic lyric'One World One Dream'should be repeated by one Chinese singer and an international singer.

4. They post their lyric translations, singing samples and original scripts for feedback.

5. lyric的近义词

5. Every word and lyric contains the young lovers'hopes, happiness and sorrow.

6. The lyric of this Chinese children's song has entertained generations of children.

7. lyric的反义词

7. Kill your dream comes from a lyric from one of Zhu's songs.

lyric 英英释义



1. lyric的翻译

1. a short poem of songlike quality

    Synonym: lyric poem

2. lyric什么意思

2. the text of a popular song or musical-comedy number

    e.g. his compositions always started with the lyrics
           he wrote both words and music
           the song uses colloquial language

    Synonym: words language


1. lyric是什么意思

1. write lyrics for (a song)


1. expressing deep emotion

    e.g. the dancer's lyrical performance

    Synonym: lyrical

2. lyric的解释

2. used of a singer or singing voice that is light in volume and modest in range

    e.g. a lyric soprano

3. lyric的解释

3. of or relating to a category of poetry that expresses emotion (often in a songlike way)

    e.g. lyric poetry

4. relating to or being musical drama

    e.g. the lyric stage