
mace [meɪs]  [mes] 


mace 基本解释


名词权杖; 狼牙棒(古代兵器); 肉豆蔻干皮; 肉豆蔻种衣(用作香料)

mace 网络解释


1. 锤:单手钝器之王:硬头锤(Mace) 硬头锤的钝端由许多不开锋的斧刃组成,但是因为没有真正的刀刃,还是算作钝器. 面对金属铠甲,用剑是愚蠢的行为,因为剑刃根本砍不动厚重的甲板. 除非是穿甲剑;所以,步战中最称手的兵器,一种是斧子,

2. 梅斯:该行业扩张放缓,结果逊于市场平均预期.但昨日芝加哥采购经理人指数(PMI)远低于市场预期,令一些分析师曾私下认为今日ISM 数警方稍后表示,一少年在市区一办公楼走廊内释放了梅斯(Mace)毒气.

3. mace:major adverse cardiac events; 主要心血管事件

4. mace:minimum area crutchless ejector; 最小面积无叉口喷嘴

5. mace:major adverse cardiovascular events; 院内主要不良心血管事件

6. mace:master control executive; 主控执行程序

mace 词典解释

1. mace在线翻译

1. 权杖;权标
    A mace is an ornamental stick carried by an official or placed somewhere as a symbol of authority.

2. 肉豆蔻干皮(用作调味品)
    Mace is a spice, usually in the form of a powder, made from the shell of nutmegs.

3. mace的近义词

3. 梅斯催泪型毒剂
    Mace is a substance that causes tears and sickness, and that is used in sprays as a defence against rioters or attackers.

mace 单语例句

1. And I'll ship it to these guys that need a cow, 'Mace says.


2. The bus stopped as the drama unfolded and the man for whom the Mace was intended fled.

3. Police said Song's can of Mace was an illegal product that she bought from the Internet.

mace 英英释义


1. a ceremonial staff carried as a symbol of office or authority

2. spice made from the dried fleshy covering of the nutmeg seed

3. an official who carries a mace of office

    Synonym: macebearer macer