
macula ['mækjʊlə]  ['mækjʊlə] 

第三人称复数:maculae; maculas

macula 基本解释

名词斑疹; 黑点; 斑点; 污点

macula 网络解释

1. 斑:*视网膜(retina)内蕴含了大量的DHA,视网膜的视轴线中心点黄斑(macula),是视觉最灵敏的地方,黄斑病变,是造成盲目的主因,补充足够的DHA,能防止因视网膜黄斑病变而造成失明的恶运.

2. 听斑:椭圆囊中有一种很小的构造--听斑(macula)(下图),他主要由毛细胞和含有细小耳石(听石,otoliths)的胶质膜(gelatinous membrane)所组成. 当人体的头部位置改变时,便使胶质膜上的压力产生变化,以致引起耳石的移动,并牵动毛细胞,

3. 斑点:当代进化论大师,也是哈佛大学的教授古尔德(Stephen Jay Gould)在其「达尔文大震撼」一书中指出,进化论主要包含了两个事实,以及由这两事实所推测出来的结论[DW1]:图七的黄斑点(macula)是视网膜的中间部分.

4. 黄斑:终端因细胞每次分裂而减短,最后它因不能再缩短,细胞因而不再分裂,破坏而死亡. 瞳孔放大缩小控制光线进入眼底之能力减退、晶体变厚、调节晶体之肌肉收缩、聚焦能力减退而无法看清近物. 晶体变浊成白内障,黄斑(Macula)退化导致视力减弱.

macula 单语例句

1. AMD occurs when the macula's cells become damaged and stop working.

2. But chemicals in cigarettes affect the nutrition and the metabolism of the macula, according to Kelly.

3. It affects the macula, or part of the eye that sees fine detail.

macula 英英释义


1. a patch of skin that is discolored but not usually elevated
    caused by various diseases

    Synonym: macule

2. a small yellowish central area of the retina that is rich in cones and that mediates clear detailed vision

    Synonym: macula lutea macular area yellow spot

3. macula的反义词

3. a cooler darker spot appearing periodically on the sun's photosphere
    associated with a strong magnetic field

    Synonym: sunspot