
maelstrom [ˈmeɪlstrɒm]  [ˈmeɪlstrɑ:m] 


maelstrom 基本解释

名词大漩涡; 大旋涡

maelstrom 网络解释

1. 异形漩涡:异形漩涡(Maelstrom)模拟方式免CD补丁此为最大镜像,可压缩成小文件方便保存,使用任意模拟光驱程序即可使用,也支持本游戏各升级档版本

maelstrom 词典解释

1. 大动乱;极度混乱状态;混乱不堪
    If you describe a situation as a maelstrom, you mean that it is very confused or violent.

    e.g. ...the maelstrom of ethnic hatreds and vendetta politics...
    e.g. Inside, she was a maelstrom of churning emotions.

maelstrom 单语例句

1. But Cuban has sat in the maelstrom of most arenas and been insulted enough to know that what Stern is doing is right.

2. They panted with suspense as velocity sucked Di several meters underwater and the ferocious maelstrom whipped his figure to and fro.

3. maelstrom在线翻译

3. Analysts say tax incentives could help exporters defend the financial maelstrom, boost confidence and maintain stable export numbers.

4. The driver flicked her meter off and hurled us into the maelstrom.

5. maelstrom在线翻译

5. Chinese airlines have weathered the financial maelstrom without too much turbulence, with the latest statistics indicating a profitable year for the air transport industry.

6. maelstrom的翻译

6. However, the railway authority has from the beginning hurled itself into a maelstrom of public controversy.

7. maelstrom的解释

7. The countries of Europe caught up in the maelstrom of the financial crisis have already decided to make important reforms.

8. Such is the lot of a younger child born into the maelstrom of family life.

maelstrom 英英释义



1. a powerful circular current of water (usually the result of conflicting tides)

    Synonym: whirlpool vortex