
magma [ˈmægmə]  ['mæɡmə] 

第三人称复数:magmata; magmas

magma 基本解释


magma 网络解释

1. 岩浆:目前,我们把这种产生于上地幔和地壳深处,含挥发分的高温粘稠的主要成分为硅酸盐的熔融物质称之为岩浆(Magma). 熔岩流在喷溢过程中,因压力骤降,挥发分会大量逸失,因此还不是真正的岩浆,仅是最接近于岩浆的物质.

2. 岩:其中有一种是由熔岩(magma)形成的. Listening 3:社会学,介绍了一个定律,说个人行为可能杂乱无章,但总体看来却很清晰,比如第一大城市的人口通常是第十大的10倍.举例说了一个电脑模拟社会,最后说由于模拟的可信性,

3. 德国:瑞典NOVACAST2.92 | 德国MAGMA | 美国AFSOLID

4. 压注模流分析软件:PIPENET复杂管网计算软件 | MAGMA压注模流分析软件 | SURPAC矿山工程软件

magma 词典解释

1. 岩浆
    Magma is molten rock that is formed in very hot conditions inside the earth.

    e.g. The volcano threw new showers of magma and ash into the air.

magma 单语例句

1. Unlike other countries with geographies shaped by the white hot crush of rock and magma, the Comoros have been granted the rare chance for a volcano myth update.

2. The floral cascades burn like yellow magma pouring from the mountains toward the village.

3. The energy created in the subduction process creates earthquakes and turns rock into magma, which rises as lava to form volcanoes.

4. magma

4. Thanks to the movement of magma during the eruption of the volcanoes, 72 limestone caves were once formed.

5. magma

5. As the Moon cooled, this magma solidified into different mineral components.

6. Volcanic eruptions are often triggered by seismic activity when the Earth's plates move and when magma from deep underground pushes its way to the surface.

7. Analysis of lunar rock samples thought to have been derived from the original magma has given scientists a new estimate of the Moon's age.

8. This disc of magma gradually coalesced and cooled into the moon as it is today.

9. There's no way to tell when magma might reach the surface, he said.

10. Despite the new detail Thursday on the magma movement, scientists said there was no reason to raise the alert level back up.

magma 英英释义



1. molten rock in the earth's crust