main features

main features

main features 基本解释

[经] 主要特点; 大端

main features 网络解释

1. 主要特点:主要特点(Main features) 采用特殊的金刚石焊接技术,使金刚石被牢固地焊接在基体上,具有永不脱落的效果; 采用有序的金刚石分布技术,切削效率高,使用寿命长,具有极高的性价比; 是烧结、电镀串珠的换代产品.

2. 特征:主要特征(main features)即图表反映的主要数字规律,最常见的规律有趋势和极值两种. 具体到第一幅图上就是英国居民出境旅游人数和海外居民到英国旅游人数从1979年到1999年都在增加. 无论是出境游还是入境游,1979年人次数最少,1999年最多.

3. 主要特征:七号干电池充电宝套装主要特征(Main Features)500万像素数码摄像机(1200万插值)数码照相机视频播放音频播放语音录制电脑摄像头影像传感器(Sensor)500 万像素CMOS有声录影(Movie Clips)640×

4. 主要功能:Main features 主要功能 | # Start menu: easy to star and navigate.开始菜单:易于识别和操作 | # Account balances at a glance 各帐户余额一目了然

main features 单语例句

1. Bashing China has been one of the main features of the US presidential election campaign.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. The main wooden door features a horizontal wooden bar and a pair of cafe style outer doors at the entrance.

3. Porcelain, reclaimed land and an immigrant history are its three main features.

4. These vehicles'and their drivers'main features are their diversified, humane and convenient service.

5. Huang brought back a handful of brochures from the pavilions he visited with introductions of their main features for the villagers.

6. main features

6. Therefore, the main features of its weather are mildness and humidity without strong winds.

7. It can mention the main features of the travel projects and should be creative.

8. The trophy is designed to highlight three main features - Firstly is tradition.

9. One of the main features of the game is that players can engage in combat intended to accurately replicate Jet Li's style.

10. The main artistic features of such creations are realism and precision in moulding technique.