make a decision

make a decision [meik ei diˈsiʒən]  [mek e dɪˈsɪʒən] 

make a decision 基本解释

make a decision


make a decision 网络解释

1. 做出决定:28. once a year 一年一度 | 29. make a decision 做出决定 | 30. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人干某事

2. 作决定:184. decide on sth. 决定某事 | 185. make a decision 作决定 | 186. do a good deed 做好事

3. 作出决定:28. be careful with 当心,小心 | 1. make a decision 作出决定 | 2. have... in mind 心里有......

make a decision 单语例句

1. make a decision是什么意思

1. So give a potential Mr Right a fighting chance by going out with him for at least three dates before you make any decision.

2. Network officials have refused to confirm a cancellation, insisting they are yet to make a decision about the programme.

3. Just as in 2002 and 2006, the CBF will reunion in order to make a concerted decision as to Dunga's successor.

4. Though she doesn't make a restaurant decision without consulting the message boards, she's not quite ready to start digging her chopsticks into shared meals with strangers.

5. The Commerce Department will examine the claims and make a final decision next year.


6. We need to conscientiously implement the Party Central Committee's decision to make this year a year for improving the government work style.

7. Tien said the banking functional constituency was concerned over the legislator's conduct and believed voters would make a wise decision.

8. As the term of Guan's employment contract approached, he needed to make a decision for his future.

9. There is no better therapy for our judiciary's chronic lack of credibility than the Supreme People's Court's decision to make open trials a universal practice.

10. Li said it would take six to eight weeks for the Hong Kong exchange to make a decision.