make a mess of

make a mess of [meik ə mes ɔv]  [mek e mɛs ʌv] 

make a mess of 基本解释


弄糟; 扰乱, 弄乱; 弄坏; 瞎搞一通

make a mess of 网络解释

1. 把...弄糟:have mercy on 对...表示怜悯 . | make a mess of 把...弄糟 . | bear in mind 记住 .

2. 搞糟:make a match of it 结婚 | make a mess of 搞糟 | make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大作

3. 弄坏, 把...搞得一塌糊涂:make a long distance call 打长途电话 | make a mess of 弄坏, 把...搞得一塌糊涂 | make a mistake 犯错误

4. 把...弄糟[搞坏]; 把...搞得一塌糊涂:make a mess [口]拉屎, 大便(尤指婴儿, 动物) | make a mess of 把...弄糟[搞坏]; 把...搞得一塌糊涂 | mess about [口]胡乱摆弄; 瞎混; 瞎忙; 胡闹, 粗鲁对待某人, 动手动脚

make a mess of 单语例句

1. I was trying to get ahead on the front nine, because I know I tend to make a mess of the closing holes.

2. The military mess squads can make a range of meals according to the budgets and local food supplies.