make talk

make talk [meik tɔ:k]  [mek tɔk] 

make talk 基本解释


make talk 情景对话

Speak up-(大声说话)

A:I thought I was speaking English fairly well. Now I'm not so sure.

B:What did you say?

A:I said I thought I spoke pretty good English.But people keep asking me to repeat what I've said. So maybe I'm not doing so well after all.

B:There's nothing wrong with your English.It's just that no one can hear what you're saying.

A:Is that what's wrong? But I think it's impolite to talk loudly.

B:You don't have to shout, but you do have to make yourself heard.Maybe Americans talk louder than other people.If so, you'll just have to speak louder,too.

make talk 单语例句

1. For further information or to book a MAKE IT EASY BEIJING talk for your organization.

2. make talk什么意思

2. You can talk to each other if you like, but you have an option on learning how to make mozzarella instead.

3. A local education expert suggested the parents talk with their son before they make decisions on family issues.

4. Its politicians have developed a penchant of talking tough on China, as if wild talk will make the country's daydreaming come true.

5. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said late on Wednesday that Iran must make real concessions over its nuclear program and not just talk about it.


6. " It really doesn't make sense again for us just to go back and talk, " Rice said.

7. Participants will be put into five groups, according to their ages and play games or make small talk.

8. make talk

8. Listening to them make small talk in their own language feels even more unreal.

9. make talk什么意思

9. The Pentagon has denied accusations it sanctioned rough treatment to make people talk.

10. Before you make the leap, talk to your supervisor to see if there can be career plans made for you.