


makers 基本解释
makers 网络解释


1. 制造厂的:makereprisalsretaliaterevengeretaliationquittanceretaliateuponretortionretribution 报复 | makers' 制造厂的 | makerubbingexpandsupportonpalmtodeveloptoopenup 拓

makers 单语例句

1. Florists, restaurateurs and jewelry makers have pounding hearts waiting a year for this huge business opportunity.

2. These suburbs are often very busy during the holiday period when throngs of holiday makers from the cities descend on the beach.

3. Market makers are qualified financial institutions which offer selling and buying prices of currencies and trade those currencies to keep the market liquid.

4. The import permits are granted to the qualified sellers with licences granted by car makers.

5. makers的翻译

5. Chinese vaccine makers supplied the Hepatitis B vaccines through a national bid and tender process, which was monitored by international observers.

6. makers是什么意思

6. These brand names are constructed by combining the name of the products with their makers'surnames.

7. It happened just three days before the May Day holiday, when millions of Chinese holiday makers will travel by train.

8. Sales of luxury cars by other makers far outstrip those of GM's Cadillac.

9. makers的解释

9. And several prelates promised to call out Catholic policy makers on their failures to follow church teaching.

10. makers的解释

10. " Foreign cosmetics makers can afford the huge outlay for advertisements and promotions, " Luo said.