
mammals ['mæml]  ['mæml] 



mammals 基本解释
哺乳动物( mammal的名词复数 );
mammals 网络解释


1. 哺乳动物:由于Map Viewer能提供的与不同有机体相对应的图谱种类有很多,如脊椎动物(Vertebrates)、无脊椎动物(Invertebrates)、哺乳动物(Mammals)、植物(Plants)、真菌(Fungi)及原生动物(Protozoa)等,我们以哺乳动物中的人染色体图谱为例,

2. 哺乳类:脊椎动物又分为鱼类(fishes)、两栖类(amphibians)、爬行类(reptiles)、鸟类(birds)和哺乳类(mammals无脊椎动物又分为原生动物、腔肠动物、扁形动物、线形动物、环节动物、软体动物、节肢动物和棘皮动物等.

3. 哺乳类动物:1997年8月18日的<<美国新闻与世界报道>>提供了若干已经确定的物种的数字倒是很有意思的:世界上有4,000种哺乳类动物(mammals),4,200种两栖类动物 (amphibians), 6,100种棘皮类动物 (echinoderms), 6,300种爬行类动物(reptiles),

4. 年<<哺乳动物>:1964年<<漂亮骗子>>('The Beautiful Swindlers') | 1962年<<哺乳动物>>('Mammals') | 1962年<<水中刀>>('Knife in the Water')

mammals 单语例句

1. The fact that capsaicin causes pain to mammals seems to be accidental.

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2. Those who swim with the creatures report fizzing sounds, as if the marine mammals carbonate the water.

3. Experts pointed out anthrax is an acute infectious disease that most commonly affects hoofed mammals, but can also infect humans.

4. Shi Yingying and Erik Nilsson examine the impact these marine mammals have on the children they come into contact with.

5. Macaques are one of the most common wild mammals in Japan, and are considered a nuisance in rural areas where they damage crops and steal food.

6. mammals在线翻译

6. The biggest mammals evolved when a cooler climate meant lower sea levels and more land area.

7. Marine mammals are turning up on the world's beaches with tissue damage similar to that found in divers suffering from decompression sickness.

8. Problems with rogue elephants have increased as the mighty mammals roam into villages in a desperate search for food and water.

9. Hundreds of complete dinosaur skeletons and the remains of many prehistoric mammals found in the city over the past 70 years are on exhibit.

10. Ticks are parasites that embed their heads in the skin to feed on the blood of mammals.