1. 托管的:在.NET应用程序中,最重要的是称为托管的(Managed)应用程序. 所谓托管的应用程序就是能够在.NET平台上正常运行的应用程序. 托管的应用程序从组织形式上、物理构成上以及运行机理上,都和传统应用程序有着很大的不同.
2. 已管理级:(4)已管理级(Managed) 产品和过程已建立了定量的质量目标. 过程中活动的生产率和质量是可量度的. 已建立过程数据库. 已实现项目产品和过程的控制. 可预测过程和产品质量趋势,如预测偏差,实现及时纠正. (5)优化级(Optimizing) 可集中精力改进过程,
3. 管理:SIC网际网路安全设备和系统领导开发商NetScreen科技,日前宣布已与网际网路协会会员myCIO.com公司达成最后协定,将提供NetScreen-5、NetScreen-100与NetScreen-100宽频网际网路安全设备,支援mycio.com的VPN ASaP和Firewall ASaP管理(managed)安全服务.
1. AstraZeneca also managed to trim costs throughout the business, from distribution to research and development and selling expenses.
2. managed
2. The gang was managed by business models and had formed a comparatively complete structure, according to the indictment.
3. Thus a business was controlled and managed mostly by family members and relatives, with support through networking with those in an established relationship of trust.
4. By that definition, most countries in the world manipulate currency because they either fix or have managed floats.
5. managed什么意思
5. Zou managed the other two days by himself and returned home alone.
6. But by hook or by crook, we have managed to get her to come to Hong Kong.
7. The banking business involves risks and its corporate culture cannot be managed by outside regulation alone.
8. The supplementary part can be managed by comprehensive individual accounts and can be lent out on the mortgage and paid back in stages.
9. Fu had by this time earned the trust of the boy, who managed to tell him where he lived.
10. managed是什么意思
10. As Wong finally managed to free her daughter from the seat that had entangled her, there was a sudden surge of water through the cabin.