
mandated [ˈmændeɪtɪd] [ˈmænˌdeɪtid] 




mandated 基本解释
mandated 网络解释


1. 强制性的:Managerial displacement 管理层的更换 | Mandated 强制性的 | Mandatory 强制性的

mandated 单语例句

1. UNIFIL was mandated by UN Security Council Resolution 1701 to conduct peacekeeping missions in south Lebanon.

2. " Make an explicit resolution creating specific negotiations mandated for a specially constructed diplomatic conference, " Evans advised the CD.

3. That means even if the government immediately mandated a drastic increase in fuel efficiency standards, the conservation benefits wouldn't fully take effect for almost two decades.

4. After all, the European Union manufacturers standardized their cellphone power cords only after it was mandated.

5. The NPT enshrined the basic objective of the elimination of all nuclear weapons and mandated that signatory countries negotiate " effective measures " to achieve it.

6. It will firmly support the chief executive and the Hong Kong SAR government in exercising government power as mandated by law.

7. That agreement would have succeeded the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which mandated modest emissions reductions by developed nations that expire in 2012.

8. An EU summit last December mandated Luxembourg to " finalize " preparations on the issue during its EU presidency to enable EU leaders to reach a decision.

9. They are now mandated to teach Fiji's local language and Hindi.

10. mandated

10. With the new proposed regulations of mandated exercise times, they worry they will now have even less time to hit the books.