
mandatory [ˈmændətəri]  [ˈmændətɔ:ri] 


mandatory 基本解释

形容词强制的; 命令的; 受委托的


mandatory 相关例句


1. A reply to this letter is mandatory.

mandatory 网络解释

1. 强制的:根据劳工部新设计的劳工证系统,美国雇主将被要求在提交劳工证申请之前先进行招聘程序,雇主将被要求从事强制的(Mandatory)和可替代的 (Alternative)劳工招聘程序.

2. 强制性的:两者的执行在美国是分离且不同的,检验(Inspection)是强制性的(Mandatory)规定,是为确保生产及行销肉品安全卫生;分级(Grading),反之则是自愿性的(Voluntary)作业,为区分鲜肉的食用品质及产出.

3. 必须的:是系统提供的,可由用户在外部看到的服务,这些服务满足了用户的需求.UFIDA U9在进行领域工程时,将特征三种主要的类型,即:必须的(Mandatory),可选的(Optional)和多选一的(Alternative).其中:基于对这一软件产业发展模式的引领和推动,

mandatory 词典解释

1. 强制性的; 法定的;义务的
    If an action or procedure is mandatory, people have to do it, because it is a rule or a law.

    e.g. ...the mandatory retirement age of 65...
    e.g. Attendance is mandatory.

2. (惩罚)强制性的,法定的
    If a crime carries a mandatory punishment, that punishment is fixed by law for all cases, in contrast to crimes for which the judge or magistrate has to decide the punishment for each particular case.

    e.g. ...the mandatory life sentence for murder.
    e.g. ...the four-year ban which is mandatory.

mandatory 单语例句

1. mandatory

1. This provision makes a resolution mandatory and can be followed legally by military action, but only if another resolution is adopted.

2. But I feel Microsoft should force anyone who uses MSN to go through mandatory etiquette training before activating the instant messaging system.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Felipe will be thankful that carbon fibre helmets were recently made mandatory by the FIA for the sport's higher echelons.

4. Tennessee is the first state to make universal carding mandatory, says the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association.

5. Zhang said his bureau is seeking closer cooperation with the local sport administration to make it mandatory for mountaineers to carry back their own garbage.

6. The EU has strict rules that make it mandatory for GM foods to carry labels with detailed information on the materials they contain.


7. Making it mandatory for primary school students to carry iPads to school is not good for their development of education.

8. It is important to set up a mandatory cash deposit scheme for industries that are prone to defaulting on wages.

9. Song said such children's jewelry is so far not on China's statutory inspection catalogue, which means tests on these products are not mandatory at borders.

10. A mandatory force should be established to push the implementation of related regulations on construction energy saving issued by the central government and local governments.

mandatory 英英释义


1. mandatory

1. a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves

    Synonym: mandate

2. the recipient of a mandate

    Synonym: mandatary


1. required by rule

    e.g. in most schools physical education is compulsory
           attendance is mandatory
           required reading

    Synonym: compulsory required