
mane [meɪn]  [men] 


mane 基本解释

名词鬣; (马颈背上、狮子脸部和颈部的)长鬃毛

mane 相关例句



1. Angry animals erect the mane.

2. The horse tossed his mane.

3. The lion tossed his mane.

4. He had a mane of thick white hair.

5. He had a mane of thick silver hair.

mane 网络解释

1. 鬃毛:舒妃马油添加美白保湿沐浴乳,采用马鬃毛(Mane)提炼出的马油滋养成份,配合天然有机金盏花、杜鹃花酸、玫瑰果等优质萃取精华,不仅含有丰富的维他命C,更拥有超强的净白滋养、锁水保湿效果,在改善黯沉的肌肤的同时达到均衡肌肤湿润度、防止肌肤粗糙乾涩等效用,

2. 毛:(4) 抓到了脖子上的毛(mane) 为蓝色没有带旗子的派德侬,可获得绿钥匙和红色钥匙. (5) 脖子上的毛(mane)为红色(左侧图)或是没有带着旗子(右侧图)的派德侬,抓到了也不会给钥匙.

3. 头部上的髻毛:Loin:股关节 | Mane:头部上的髻毛 | Muzzle:口吻部

4. 鬃:mandolin 洋琵琶 | mane 鬃 | maneuver 演习;巧计

mane 词典解释

1. (马或狮子的)鬃毛
    The mane on a horse or lion is the long thick hair that grows from its neck.

2. mane的反义词

2. 浓密的头发
    If you refer to a person's hair as their mane, you mean that they have a lot of hair.

    e.g. He had a great mane of white hair.

mane 单语例句

1. mane

1. She's willing to make adjustments, and may even go further by cutting another few inches off her blonde mane.

2. I like to pretend my hairbrush is a microphone and that I'm a pop star being adored by thousands as I thrash my shiny mane.

3. The Zakumi character is based on a cheetah and has a green mane, which represents the green football field.

4. " White crane spreads out the wings " and " wild horse dividing the mane " are just two of the 72 postures he has mastered.

5. His famously flowing mane of brown hair is streaked with gold highlights.

6. It just shakes its mane and goes on eating the grass, until the trouble simply goes away.

7. Its tail and mane are a strikingly different colour and their hoofs are black and shiny.

mane 英英释义



1. long coarse hair growing from the crest of the animal's neck


2. growth of hair covering the scalp of a human being

    Synonym: head of hair