
manifold [ˈmænɪfəʊld]  [ˈmænɪfoʊld] 








manifold 基本解释

形容词多种多样的; 多方面的; 有多种形式的; 有多种用途的

名词具有多种形式的东西; 多支管; 歧管(汽车引擎用于进气或排气)

及物动词复写,复印; 增多; 使…多样化

manifold 相关例句


1. The uses of this machine are manifold.

2. The City Council has a manifold plan to beautify the city.

3. His interests are manifold.

manifold 网络解释


1. 歧管:该发动机曾经在该公司的环境技术说明会上公布过,不过此次在车展上进一步公开了歧管(Manifold)设计的思路. 雅马哈发动机也展出了即将上市的2010款摩托车YZ450F. 在此次的车型改进中,受到从化油器(Carburettor)变更为燃料喷射的影响,

2. 多支管:并对检测可卡因代谢物(苯甲酰芽子碱)和鸦片制剂(可待因与吗啡)的方法加以阐述和评估,给出了这些分析方案的线性度(linearity)、精度密、准确性、回收率残留(carryoer)等统计数字,描述Rapid-Trace系统替代手工真空多支管(manifold)因相提取系统或液/

3. 集合管:如果同时使用[2个][ ]以上千斤顶进行加载,所有千斤顶之滑柱(Ram)之直径必须相同,同时必须共用集合管(Manifold)及压力计并以同一个泵操作加压. C. 荷重计(Load Cell)或同功能装置於试验前应校正,其校正精度应不小於所施加载重[2%][ ].

manifold 词典解释

1. 多样的;各种各样的
    Things that are manifold are of many different kinds.

    e.g. Gaelic can be heard here in manifold forms...
    e.g. The difficulties are manifold.

manifold 单语例句

1. The walls are a patchwork of manifold geometric shapes flashing with varied color schemes that coexist in a seismically shaky truce.

2. Its new M turbo engine developing 408 kW is the world's first with an exhaust manifold spanning the two rows of cylinders.

3. The drawbacks to electric vehicles are manifold, and have been recounted endlessly in numerous studies.

4. The two nations have already created a record by increasing bilateral trade manifold.

5. He predicted that with the initiative taken by both sides, bilateral trade and investment is bound to grow manifold in the coming years.

6. And the responsibility to stabilize the domestic and global markets has increased manifold because of climate change and freaky weather.

7. German investment in China's healthcare sector is not limited to the construction of hospitals, but aims at manifold fields of expertise.

8. If they can see the whole manifold picture, the two countries would have fewer problems with each other.

9. manifold的意思

9. That will not only increase tourism revenue manifold, but also boost the economies of the six provinces.

10. The problems are manifold and intertwining, and have to be understood against a backdrop of historical development.

manifold 英英释义


1. a pipe that has several lateral outlets to or from other pipes

2. a set of points such as those of a closed surface or an analogue in three or more dimensions

3. manifold是什么意思

3. a lightweight paper used with carbon paper to make multiple copies

    e.g. an original and two manifolds

    Synonym: manifold paper


1. combine or increase by multiplication

    e.g. He managed to multiply his profits

    Synonym: multiply

2. make multiple copies of

    e.g. multiply a letter


1. many and varied
    having many features or forms

    e.g. manifold reasons
           our manifold failings
           manifold intelligence
           the multiplex opportunities in high technology

    Synonym: multiplex