
manoeuver [mə'nuːvə]  [mə'nuːvər] 

manoeuver 基本解释
manoeuver 网络解释


1. 作战行动:mannish 男子似的 | manoeuver 作战行动 | manoeuvre 策略

2. 机动,(复)对抗演习:maimer残害者 | manoeuver机动,(复)对抗演习 | martial军事的

3. 大演习:manocyst 毡囊 | manoeuver 大演习 | manoeuverabilitysteerability 可操纵性

4. 机动,白刃战:maimer残害者 | manoeuver机动,白刃战 | helicopter borne直升机载的

manoeuver 单语例句

1. manoeuver

1. By trading Chandler and picking up the expiring contracts of Smith and Wilcox, the Hornets are expecting to gain some room to manoeuver under the salary cap.

2. Some political analysts say both sides in Thailand's polarised political climate are starting to manoeuver for position in the event of possible changes ahead.

manoeuver 英英释义



1. perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attack or defense

    Synonym: maneuver manoeuvre operate

2. direct the course
    determine the direction of travelling

    Synonym: steer maneuver manoeuvre direct point head guide channelize channelise

3. act in order to achieve a certain goal

    e.g. He maneuvered to get the chairmanship
           She maneuvered herself into the directorship

    Synonym: maneuver manoeuvre