mansion house

mansion house [ˈmænʃən haus]  [ˈmænʃən haʊs] 

mansion house 基本解释
mansion house 网络解释

mansion house的解释

1. 府邸:逐渐地,怪异人物的新闻散播开来,而传播媒体和大众很快地给了他一个名字:弹簧腿杰克3.数月后,1838年1月9日伦敦市长约翰.科恩爵士(Sir John Cowan)于伦敦府邸(Mansion House)举行的一场公众会议中发表一篇几天前收到的匿名抱怨信,

2. 民信大厦 (音译):Cannon Street 景隆街 (基于香港的同名道路名称) | Mansion House 民信大厦 (音译) | Blackfriars 布力费亚斯 (音译)

3. 民信大厦:Blackfriars 布力费亚斯 | Mansion House 民信大厦 | Cannon Street 景隆街

mansion house 单语例句

1. The Grand Opera House hidden inside the Mansion was a place where royal families of different generations enjoyed the traditional Peking Opera.

2. The actress shot part of her new film'The House Bunny'at the infamous Playboy Mansion and was delighted to meet the legendary lothario.

mansion house 英英释义


1. a large and imposing house

    Synonym: mansion manse hall residence