
mantled ['mæntld]  ['mæntld] 






mantled 基本解释



mantled 双语例句

1. Stronger it grew and sadder, and deepened into the tone of a death bell, knolling dolefully from some ivy-mantled tower, and bearing tidings of mortality and woe to the cottage, to the hall, and to the solitary wayfarer, that all might weep for the doom appointed in turn to them.

2. When Winter dies, low at the sweet Spring's feet let him be mantled in a clean, white sheet.


3. The child's face mantled with blushes.

4. The girl's face mantled in joy.


5. The bird's eyes are heavily mantled, and its feathers have been ruffled by the alcohol that nearly fills the bottle.

6. Three orderly rows of low houses mantled with thick snow came into sight.


7. Soil mantled change, which results from territorial exploitation utilize activity of human, is regarded as main reason of global environment change, therefore the research of land use change become the leading edge and hotspot of investigative all over the world at present.

8. High ceiling and elegant divided light windows provide ample light into to the spacious living room accented by mantled fireplace.

9. Re-suits: The alveolar bone's absorption of the ordinary full denture is more evident than that of the mantled full denture.

10. Owing to human versus territorial exploitation utilize activity whereas create soil mantled change, be reputed to be global environment metabolic first cause, wherefore versus land use metabolic research, become for the moment allied nations scholar investigative leading edge and hotspot.

11. The big stores each have a professional Santa Claus, white-bearded, red- mantled, black-booted.

12. A silver-mantled knight dived in like a flash of daylight with blazing wonders.

13. A light-mantled sooty albatross looks down on Gold Harbour in South Georgia, a remote British outpost in the far South Atlantic.

14. The colour mantled in her delicate sunburnt cheeks.


15. Snow mantled the hills.


16. A boulder mantled with moss;

17. Moreover, the outwash discussed herein demonstrates unambiguous evidence that the Qinghai & Xizang (Tibet) Plateau in Quaternary is not mantled by a whole icecap.

18. A study on mantled karst collapse at Shuicheng industry district in Guizhou

19. Due to overpumping groundwater, hazard of mantled karst collapse may often take place there.

20. In the mid-winter period, a pale-mantled gull with an entirely white head really has to be Mongolian.

mantled 英英释义


1. covered with or as if with clothes or a wrap or cloak

    e.g. leaf-clothed trees
           fog-cloaked meadows
           a beam draped with cobwebs
           cloud-wrapped peaks

    Synonym: cloaked clothed draped wrapped