






manufactures 基本解释
制造业( manufacture的名词复数 );制造品;粗制滥造;制造( manufacture的第三人称单数 );捏造;加工;
manufactures 网络解释

1. 制成品:大宗商品(commodities)是与工业制成品(manufactures)相对的概念,包括食物和饮料、能源和工业性投入品等三种类别,是具有商品属性,用于工农业生产与消费使用的大批量买卖的物质商品.

2. 约旦:oil and refined products, fertilizers科威特 | phosphates, fertilizers, potash, agricultural products, manufactures.约旦 | machinery and equipment, software, cut diamonds, agricultural products以色

3. 制造厂商:4. 项目所需物品清单 Materials list: | 5. 制造厂商 Manufactures: | 6. 付款方式 Terms of payment:

manufactures 单语例句

1. manufactures的近义词

1. Thirteen batches of capsules by nine manufactures were contaminated with heavy metal chromium, the report said.

2. The official said that coking coal manufactures unable to meet the country's environmental protection standards will be closed down.

3. manufactures

3. China manufactures a higher percentage of various types of goods and consequently makes up a larger share of products globally sourced from it.

4. manufactures

4. " The rising cost of raw materials add to the risks of many small manufactures, " he said.

5. manufactures的解释

5. Analysts say the excess capacity may force some manufactures to cut prices.

6. Buy quality foodstuff - Insistence on low prices oblige the manufactures to cut corners with " chemical magic " and other tricks.

7. China's external terms of trade will likely improve as import prices dependent on commodities decelerate by more than export prices dominated by manufactures.

8. Battery manufactures in China invested huge amounts in the EV battery production and all automakers entered the field.

9. His factory manufactures 3 million square meters of wooden flooring annually, almost 100 times more than when it started.

10. But new problems are emerging such as China's taxes on chips, which the United States claims are discrimination against foreign manufactures.