名词<体>马拉松赛跑; 长距离比赛; 需要长时间努力或耐力的事件或活动
1. 马拉松赛跑:马拉松赛跑(Marathon)是奥运会上最能体现运动员的毅力和耐力的一个项目. 该项目的设立与希波战争中一个悲壮的故事有关. 公元前490年,希腊与波斯在雅典东部的军事重镇Marathon激战. 当时,波斯大军的兵员比希腊军队多数倍.
2. 马拉松--马拉松:1.马拉松:<<马拉松>>(Marathon)三部曲是HALO的制件公司Buneie早年的一款闻名第一人称射击游戏,在苹果和PC平台上广受好评.是Bungie的成名作. 有玩家认为其科幻设定和HALO世界有着某种联系.
3. 我的马拉松:曹承佑通过2005年电影<<我的马拉松>>(Marathon)一举获得了第42届大钟奖主演奖和人气奖、第41界百想艺术大赏男子最佳演技奖,证明了自己的演技实力. 而姜惠贞则在以电影<<原罪犯>>(Old Boy)获得了2003年青龙电影节上获得了最佳女配角奖,
1. 马拉松赛跑(全程26英里,约合42公里)
A marathon is a race in which people run a distance of 26 miles, which is about 42 km.
e.g. ...running in his first marathon...
e.g. Rodgers can also claim four victories in the New York Marathon.
2. 马拉松式的;漫长而累人的;耗时费力的
If you use marathon to describe an event or task, you are emphasizing that it takes a long time and is very tiring.
e.g. People make marathon journeys to buy glass here.
e.g. ...a marathon session of talks with government representatives.
1. That is the main reason other countries have found the process a marathon, even if bolstered by piles of laws and regulations.
2. marathon的解释
2. Canon China has participated in the Beijing International Marathon program since 2007.
3. Originally set to start at Tiananmen Square, the marathon will now start and finish at the National Olympic Sports Center.
4. Despite the added drain on their energy, she remained adamant about the need to fundraise using new methods like marathon running.
5. The marathon game proceeds with dirty tricks and violence, raising the stakes beyond blood money and reaching a terrifying climax.
6. Meghan Wall's marathon effort to start a family has come down to a sprint at the finish line.
7. Sun will make his comeback at the Xiamen International Marathon in January.
8. People of different ages and career backgrounds have given mixed reactions to the decision of Hao Lulu to undergo marathon cosmetic surgery lasting six months.
9. Wanting to end their marathon courtship, he proposed to Liu recently.
10. All the track and field finals will take place in the evening with the customary exception of the marathon.
1. any long and arduous undertaking
Synonym: endurance contest
2. marathon在线翻译
2. a footrace of 26 miles 385 yards