


marchers 网络解释

1. 游行者:Irish descent 爱尔兰祖籍 | marchers 游行者 | predominant 占据主导位置

2. 游行人士:游行至美国驻香港大使馆 marched to the US Consulate General in Hong Kong | 游行人士 marchers | 由维多利亚公园游行至中环的政府总部 marching from Victoria Park to the government headquarters in Centra...

marchers 单语例句

1. The bad weather didn't appear to affect the mood of the marchers, many of whom were dressed in red to symbolize their anger with Chen's leadership.

2. A double line of police cordoned the marchers'route from Kufa to Najaf, sister cities on the west bank of the Euphrates River.

3. Hours before the marchers reached Mexico City, federal police announced the capture of a suspected drug gang leader in Morelos.

4. Marchers tossed rocks and Molotov cocktails at government troops, torching a police office.

5. marchers的翻译

5. One protester was killed and more than 200 injured when the protests turned violent as marchers clashed with area residents.

6. After a standoff around the summit site in a southern Roman suburb, several thousand marchers tried to push past a thick line of police.

7. Police and organizers'estimates for the number of marchers varied greatly, but both showed that the protest movement is growing in strength.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Many of the marchers wore white shirts to symbolize peace and also waved US flags.

9. Cuban President Fidel Castro sent hundreds of thousands of Cuban marchers past the mission earlier this month soon after the sign was turned on.

10. marchers什么意思

10. In New York, the floats and marchers turned Fifth Avenue into a sea of rainbows.