
marsupial [mɑ:ˈsu:piəl]  [mɑ:rˈsu:piəl] 



marsupial 基本解释




marsupial 网络解释

1. 有袋类:哺乳类动物可以分为两大类,一是胎生类(Placental),一是有袋类 (Marsupial),就化石研究的记录,有袋类先於胎生类动物出现在地球上,在七千万到一万万年以前,有袋类动物遍布地球上各地,表示当时地球是连成一块陆地,在以后的几百万年内,

2. 有袋类动物(如袋鼠和树袋熊):Weird:奇怪的 | Marsupial: 有袋类动物(如袋鼠和树袋熊) | Mammal: 哺乳动物

3. 有袋类的动物:ostrich 鸵鸟 | marsupial 有袋类的动物 | rollerblading 滚轴溜冰

marsupial 词典解释

1. 有袋动物(如袋鼠或负鼠)
    A marsupial is an animal such as a kangaroo or an opossum. Female marsupials carry their babies in a pouch on their stomach.

marsupial 单语例句

1. Rocky had initially chased the kangaroo into a dam and jumped in after it but came off worse as the marsupial held him underwater.

2. The marsupial babies had been in the pouch for about five months.

3. Veterinary surgeons from Melbourne Zoo operated on the stricken marsupial over the weekend and were optimistic about his chances.

marsupial 英英释义


1. mammals of which the females have a pouch (the marsupium) containing the teats where the young are fed and carried

    Synonym: pouched mammal


1. of or relating to the marsupials

    e.g. marsupial animals