
masculine [ˈmæskjəlɪn]  [ˈmæskjəlɪn] 

比较级:more masculine

最高级:most masculine

masculine 基本解释

形容词男子气概的; 阳性的,雄性的; 男性化的,像男人的

名词男性; [语]阳性; 阳性词

masculine 同义词

形容词virile strong vigorous manly

masculine 反义词


masculine 相关例句



1. He likes to show off his masculine physique.

2. Our new manager is a middle-aged masculine looking woman.

masculine 网络解释

1. 男性化:...前者确由生理特徵决定,后者则是一个生理与文化混合的产物,男性化(masculine)与女性化(feminine)与男性(male)及女性(female)是没有必然的关系 (Stoller, 1968).

2. 阳刚的:重要的问题仍然未解:女人何时才可以在支配的位置上,而且,是否她们在男性/阳刚的(masculine)位置上?我们可不可以想象一个女性主宰位置是在品质上与男性主宰形式完全不一样的光景?或者仅有我们现在所知的「男性的」与「女性的」这两种性别可以占据这两个位置(支配与被支配)?

masculine 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 男性的;男子的
    Masculine qualities and things relate to or are considered typical of men, in contrast to women.

    e.g. ...masculine characteristics like a husky voice and facial hair.
    e.g. ...masculine pride.

2. 有男子气概的;阳刚的;男子汉的
    If you say that someone or something is masculine, you mean that they have qualities such as strength or confidence which are considered typical of men.

    e.g. ...her aggressive, masculine image...
    e.g. The Duke's study was very masculine, with deep red wall-covering and dark oak shelving.

3. (某些语言中的词)阳性的
    In some languages, a masculine noun, pronoun, or adjective has a different form from a feminine or neuter one, or behaves in a different way.

masculine 单语例句

1. masculine

1. Mine is a sleek city runabout compared to the weighty, more masculine model that comes with a reinforced crossbar designed to carry pigs.

2. They say the male contestants do not reflect masculine qualities, cry too much and set poor examples for all the guys out there.

3. masculine什么意思

3. The study also found that men can use credit in one masculine domain to resist pressure to engage in other masculine behaviors.

4. masculine的反义词

4. The measures extend protections to men perceived as effeminate and women viewed as masculine.

5. These years are believed to lack yang or masculine energy to balance the feminine yin.

6. masculine的反义词

6. One explanation for women dressing like men is that women had to look masculine in public to exude an air of authority.

7. It makes extensive use of strong masculine materials like oak, nickel and bronze.


8. No wonder many people say that compared to the older generation today's young men are less masculine and women less feminine.


9. Serious clothes are generally the order of the day for women at such conferences and most are likely to pick garments with a masculine cut.

10. The Flying Tourbillon combines the watchmaking traditions of Geneva with the modernity of masculine, elegant and graphical design.

masculine 英英释义


1. a gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to males or to objects classified as male


1. associated with men and not with women


2. of grammatical gender

3. (music or poetry) ending on an accented beat or syllable

    e.g. a masculine cadence
           the masculine rhyme of `annoy, enjoy'