
masterful [ˈmɑ:stəfl]  [ˈmæstərfl] 

masterful 基本解释

形容词娴熟的; 熟练的; 善于控制别人的; 善于控制形势的

masterful 相关例句



1. He spoke in a masterful manner.

2. The violinist gave a masterful performance.

masterful 网络解释

1. 专横的:masterdom 支配 | masterful 专横的 | mastering 控制

2. 主人派头的:masterdrive 主驱动 | masterful 主人派头的 | mastermind 幕后操作的人

masterful 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 善于掌控局势的;指挥若定的
    If you describe a man as masterful, you approve of him because he behaves in a way which shows that he is in control of a situation and can tell other people what to do.

    e.g. Big, successful moves need bold, masterful managers.

2. 巧妙的;熟练的;精彩的;精湛的
    If you describe someone's behaviour or actions as masterful, you mean that they show great skill.

    e.g. ...a masterful performance of boxing and punching skills.

masterful 单语例句

1. Her works express fresh visual images and a clearly individual artistic language, most obvious in her acute attunement with and masterful depiction of modern metropolitan youth culture.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. Clarke and Westwood proved to be masterful captain's selections for Woosnam.

3. masterful的近义词

3. She continued her masterful form by hitting a number of powerful attacks.

4. masterful什么意思

4. The painting shows Zhang's masterful grasp of a different genre of painting.

5. " He did a masterful job putting this whole thing together, " he said.

masterful 英英释义


1. having or revealing supreme mastery or skill

    e.g. a consummate artist
           consummate skill
           a masterful speaker
           masterful technique
           a masterly performance of the sonata
           a virtuoso performance

    Synonym: consummate masterly virtuoso(a)