
masterpiece [ˈmɑ:stəpi:s]  [ˈmæstərpi:s] 


masterpiece 基本解释


名词杰作,名作; 杰出的事

masterpiece 相关例句


1. It is one of the great masterpieces of European art.

2. Rembrandt's paintings are masterpieces.

masterpiece 网络解释

1. 名作:1778年,在格鲁格(Gluck)的协助下,他写成了他的名作(Masterpiece):Les Danaides. 1788年他来到波恩,成功当上了Chapel-Master. 1801年他在德里雅斯特(意大利东北部港口城市)参加了all'Opera歌剧院的落成仪式. 他一生写了40多部歌剧.

2. 拿手好戏:诺亚方舟 Noah's Ark | 拿手好戏 masterpiece | 泥石流 mud-rock flow

masterpiece 词典解释

1. 杰作;名著
    A masterpiece is an extremely good painting, novel, film, or other work of art.

    e.g. His book, I must add, is a masterpiece.
    e.g. ...masterpieces by artists like Rembrandt, Raphael and Ingres.

2. (画家、作家或作曲家的)最佳作品,代表作
    An artist's, writer's, or composer's masterpiece is the best work that they have ever produced.

3. 典范
    A masterpiece is an extremely clever or skilful example of something.

    e.g. The whole thing was a masterpiece of crowd management.

masterpiece 单语例句

1. A Taiwan calligraphy researcher recently appraised it as a rare masterpiece of Huang that exemplifies a transformation in style into his later years.

2. masterpiece的解释

2. I might turn out to be a hugely successful entrepreneur, whose life draws to an end with a surprisingly good masterpiece.

3. masterpiece在线翻译

3. Frightened to see the Germany's Wagner conquer the opera world, the Italians were expecting a new big Italian composer and a new masterpiece.

4. Symbolizing an iron made of crystal magnified 165 billion times over, the masterpiece sought to confront the destiny of man with scientific discovery.

5. One would be wrong to assume from its length that this masterpiece is totally descriptive in style.

6. The long wheelbase 5 Series brings a new dimension to the Joy of Business and is a masterpiece of engineering and design.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Huang could never have imagined that nearly 300 years later someone would want to destroy his masterpiece not out of rage but out of love.

8. masterpiece的意思

8. Enthralled by the masterpiece, he hoped that by burning the painting it would accompany him forever in the afterlife.

9. " This gown is a masterpiece, " an enthusiastic Obama said.

10. masterpiece的解释

10. One masterpiece will be chosen each month to be go on display at the Expo site.

masterpiece 英英释义


1. an outstanding achievement

2. masterpiece

2. the most outstanding work of a creative artist or craftsman

    Synonym: chef-d'oeuvre