
matin ['mætɪn]  ['mætɪn] 

matin 基本解释



matin 网络解释

1. 馬丁:至此,从2004年至今的老MM组合正式宣告破裂,休斯顿迎来了新的MM组合--姚明(Ming Yao)和马丁(Matin). 在个人打球风格上,马丁和麦迪是截然不同的球员,麦迪的大局观非常的出色,需要持球来发动攻击,当他在球场上的时候,

2. 早课:mathsort 数学排序 | matin 早课 | matinee 白天音乐会

3. 馬丁,拉丁,好戰的,尚武的:Mashall,馬歇爾英國,看守馬的人,君王的跟隨者. | Matin,馬丁,拉丁,好戰的,尚武的. | Mavin,馬文,英國,朋友.

matin 双语例句


1. Borneol; in vitro blood-brain barrier model; Matin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cells; intercellular tight junction; pinocytosis vesicle

2. This image shows the Lockheed Matin engineers put the funishing touches on SIRTF before shipping it to Cape Canaveral.


3. Not unless you come to the matinée.

4. Matin Yes, the Great wall is in your country, I think, most people here have seen Great Wall.

5. But it is. C'est un beau matin.


6. If you have to give a dog liquid medication, have it stand on a towel or bath matin the tub.

7. Matin decided that he had no adequate proof.

8. Feberary America celebrates the birth of one of the greatest men ever born, Matin Luther King Jr.


9. This article is an on-the-spot review and primary acquaintance to Fung Ying Seen Koon Matin and the music used.


10. NOw Morn her rosie steps in th'Eastern Clime Advancing, sow'd the earth with Orient Pearle, When Adam wak't, so customd, for his sleep Was Aerie light, from pure digestion bred, And temperat vapors bland, which th'only sound [5] Of leaves and fuming rills, Aurora's fan, Lightly dispers'd, and the shrill Matin Song Of Birds on every bough; so much the more His wonder was to find unwak'nd Eve With Tresses discompos'd, and glowing Cheek, [10] As through unquiet rest: he on his side Leaning half-rais'd, with looks of cordial Love Hung over her enamour'd, and beheld Beautie, which whether waking or asleep, Shot forth peculiar graces; then with voice [15] Milde, as when Zephyrus on Flora breathes, Her hand soft touching, whisperd thus.

11. On se téléphone lundi matin.

12. On se telephone lundi matin.

13. They do six evening performances and three matin é es every week.

14. Now, Mr. Martin is on the 10 floor. The attendant comes to meet Mr. Matin.

15. The choice was causing tension between the couple, so he thought I could help, he told Le Matin.

16. He is the 19th-century French Impressionist artists one of the matin representatives.

17. CPL language based on ALGOL 60 close to the hardware, but relatively large scale, it is difficult to achieve. University of Cambridge in 1967 of the Matin Richards made to simplify the language of CPL, the introduction of the BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language) language. In 1970 the United States Ken Thompson of Bell Labs to the basis of language BCPL, but also further simplified the design of a very simple hardware and is very close to the B language and language with B first UNIX operating system, the PDP-7 to achieve.
      CPL语言在ALGOL 60的基础上接近了硬件一些,但规模比较大,难以实现。1967年英国剑桥大学的Matin Richards对 CPL语言作了简化,推出了BCPL(Basic Combined Programming Language)语言。1970年美国贝尔实验室的 Ken Thompson以 BCPL语言为基础,又作了进一步简化,设计出了很简单的而且很接近硬件的 B语言(取 BCPL的第一个字母),并用 B语言写第一个UNIX操作系统,在PDP-7上实现。

18. But there is the rustle of branches in the morning breeze; there is the music of a sunny shower against the window; there is the matin song of birds.

matin 单语例句

1. NATO said Matin and Agha were behind several suicide bombings in Helmand.

2. " I can't ever imagine in any way that she took drugs, " Federer said in an interview with the weekly Le Matin on Sunday.

3. matin的翻译

3. " He should have laid his cards on the table, " Blatter told Thursday's edition of the Swiss daily Le Matin.