
matriculation [məˌtrɪkjʊ'leɪʃn]  [məˌtrɪkjʊ'leɪʃn] 

matriculation 基本解释


matriculation 网络解释


1. 预科:大学先修班(Pre-University Programmes)是进入大学前的准备课程,除了我们所熟悉的STPM之外,打算修读英国、澳洲、纽西兰、加拿大等外国学士课程的同学,可先修读外国的大学先修课程或大学预科(Matriculation).

2. 入学:现在你给他写封回信,信中祝贺他在大学入学(matriculation)考试中学校受污染 [内容提示] 假如你是市一中的学生,名叫王红. 你要向本市一家报刊编辑(editor)写封信,反映你校受污染的问题,呼吁有关部门采取措施,保护环境,防止污染.

3. 注册:beginning of term 开学 | matriculation 注册 | to enroll, to enroll 予以注册

4. 大学入学考试{英}:大学||university | 大学入学考试{英}||matriculation | 大学入学许可证明||matriculation certificate

matriculation 单语例句

1. matriculation的近义词

1. The commission said the new plan will provide equal rights to education and matriculation opportunities for migrant children.

2. It need not take matriculation from the school of hard knocks to get the message.

3. Celebrations of Xiang's successful matriculation were cut short when his sister suffered uremia.

4. The majority of respondents have senior secondary and matriculation qualification and less than 20 percent of them had tertiary education.

5. The volunteers asked educational departments to publish the results of migrant children's college matriculation research and measures for balancing educational resources.

matriculation 英英释义


1. admission to a group (especially a college or university)

    Synonym: matric