
mausoleum [ˌmɔ:səˈli:əm]  [ˌmɔsəˈliəm, -zə-] 


mausoleum 基本解释


mausoleum 网络解释

1. 大陵:胃? ?? ?? ?? ?Stomach? ? | 大陵? ?? ?? ? Mausoleum? ? | 积尸? ?? ?? ? Heaps of corpses? ?

2. 陵园:tombo 坟墓 tomb | tombeyo 陵园 mausoleum | tombstono 墓碑 tombstone

mausoleum 词典解释

1. (名人、富人的)陵寝,陵墓
    A mausoleum is a building which contains the grave of a famous person or the graves of a rich family.

mausoleum 单语例句

1. Those charged with managing the mausoleum should increase signposting in both Chinese and English and control the number of shops.

2. mausoleum

2. Now the protectors worry the low water level would provide convenience to tomb raiders, which led to the local government pouring water to submerge the mausoleum again.

3. Lishan and the mausoleum to divert water from the mountain to the Weihe River and protect the tomb and the burial pits from water.

4. Before the closing of the mausoleum at 5 pm Zhu makes a second tour to remove dry leaves from either flower beds or bushes.

5. The pit is one of 180 funerary pits of the Qin Mausoleum.

6. mausoleum的意思

6. Clark Gable III - the grandson of the legendary actor - said the mausoleum " wouldn't be as sacred " if just anyone could go inside.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Further research using remote sensing and geophysical exploration technologies will continue on the mausoleum site, he said.

8. mausoleum的反义词

8. The singer's tomb inside the cemetery's gothic Great Mausoleum remains closed to the public, and Friday's memorial won't change that.

9. mausoleum

9. Contemporary archeologists have reproduced on canvas some of the grandeur of the mausoleum based on the site's ruins.

10. A grandiose ceremony was held to place his remains in the mausoleum.

mausoleum 英英释义



1. a large burial chamber, usually above ground