
measurable [ˈmeʒərəbl]  [ˈmɛʒərəbəl] 

measurable 基本解释

形容词可量度的; 可测量的,可预见的; 重大的

measurable 反义词


形容词immeasurable measureless

measurable 网络解释

1. 可测量的:注意所定的目标应符合SMART原则,即准确界定(Special),确保被评价的团队或人员事先知道他们的行动目标和评价标准;可测量的(Measurable),指目标的实现可以用数量、质量、时间、成本等量化指标来衡量;双方充分沟通认可(Agreed),

2. 可测的:所以,根据测度理论,样本空间中的集合分成两种:可测的(measurable)和不可测的. 我们只对可测集赋予测度或者概率. 特别留意,测度为零的集合也是可测的,叫做零测集. 所谓不可测集,就是那种测度既不是零,也不是非零,就是什么都不能是的集合.

3. 可衡量的:目标法则 目标刺激我们奋勇向上 制定目标的SMART原则 具体的(Specific) 可衡量的(Measurable) 可达到的(Attainable) 相关的(Relevant) 基于时间的(Time-based) 目标法则 哈佛大学的研究 终未状态(25年后) 初始状态(25年前) 数量比例 生活在社会的最底层,

measurable 词典解释

1. 可觉察到的;明显的;显著的
    If you describe something as measurable, you mean that it is large enough to be noticed or to be significant.

    e.g. Both leaders seemed to expect measurable progress.

The old man's voice was measurably weaker than the last time they'd talked...
After this, the pace of events quickened measurably.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 可测量的;可计量的
    Something that is measurable can be measured.

    e.g. Economists emphasize measurable quantities — the number of jobs, the per capita income...
    e.g. So far the effect is barely measurable.

measurable 单语例句

1. measurable的反义词

1. The developed countries should provide measurable and checkable aid to developing nations so as to help them seek sustainable development model.

2. Developing countries only need to make their initiatives on cutting emissions measurable, reportable and verifiable when they receive international financial aid and technology transfer.

3. This is because they are measurable and clearly defined, usually departmental initiatives that can be directly linked with tangible business benefits.

4. But the principle of being " measurable, reportable and verifiable " should be applied to developed countries as well as developing ones.

5. The draft decision requires " measurable, reportable and verifiable nationally appropriate mitigation actions " by developing countries to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

6. measurable的解释

6. It is a set of measurable standards just like environmental protection and employment conditions.

7. measurable的解释

7. But legislation to ensure cleaner air was introduced and this led to a measurable improvement in air quality in the following decades.

8. While admitting the effect is not measurable, hotels believe " the scent certainly has an impact on guest patronage ".


9. There are measurable signs of improvement for the job market in China, according to a recent survey of companies.

10. " Mystique is not something that's measurable, " McDowell said.

measurable 英英释义


1. of distinguished importance

    e.g. a measurable figure in literature

2. capable of being measured

    e.g. measurable depths

    Synonym: mensurable