
medication [ˌmedɪˈkeɪʃn]  [ˌmɛdɪˈkeʃən] 


medication 基本解释

名词药物治疗; 药物,药剂; 药物处理; 加入药物

medication 相关例句


1. It is better to sleep naturally, without taking medication.

2. The doctor prescribed some medication.

medication 网络解释


1. 药物:申请人反对,认为:EPC54(5)没有明确限定药物(medication)范围. 在伴随机器、制品、组合物的销售与使用的医疗方法专利往往有较低的执行成本. 例如:证明侵权行为可以通过证明有关产品的购买或者使用来进行. 问题在于,

2. 药:.同时也是健康(exuberance)自然(spontaneousness)医药(medication)环保(environmental projection)的开头字母的组合. 在我终于抵达医院门口时,迎面吹来的有着强大系统功能的中央空调所带出的寒风. 我朝着寒风重重的呼出一口二氧化碳,

3. 物:目前还没有抗病毒药物(antiviral drug)来治疗(treat)或治愈(cure)这种感染,所有药物(medication)都是姑息性的(palliative),只针对症状. 抗生素(antibiotic)是针对细菌(bacteria)的,对感冒病毒没有作用.

medication 词典解释

1. medication的近义词

1. 药物;药
    Medication is medicine that is used to treat and cure illness.

    e.g. She stopped taking the prescribed medications...
    e.g. Are you on any medication?

medication 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. A common medication used in type 2 diabetes might have the potential to also act against Alzheimer's disease.

2. medication的翻译

2. Upon going to hospital on the advice of her relations she was diagnosed with acute renal failure as a direct result of mistakenly prescribed medication.

3. The dumping came after a media report revealed that some Chinese manufacturers have packaged several types of medication in capsules made of toxic industrial gelatin.

4. The declaration also allows officials to use medication and diagnostic tests and releases funds to purchase additional antiviral medication.

5. Upon learning she had actually ingested cocaine, the singer admitted she " broke down into tears " when the medic offered her more medication.

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6. Fevers would come back about two hours after medication drips stopped, the newspaper report said.

7. It'll also be easier to administer medication twice a day mixed into her meals if she ever needs it.

8. Doctors are required to strictly follow clinical guidelines and administer proper and rational medication, said the document.

9. Patients and health care workers need to move away from administering unnecessary injections, choosing instead to prescribe oral medication.

10. DoH pledges to follow the situation closely while pharmacists said patients on Avandia should not discontinue the medication without consulting their physicians first.

medication 英英释义



1. the act of treating with medicines or remedies

2. (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease

    Synonym: medicine medicament medicinal drug