
meld [meld]  [mɛld] 

meld 基本解释




meld 网络解释


1. 合并:变为中间就混合(medley),全部小卒在小巷(alley),各 种小巷有厨房(galley 船上厨房),珍珠无 e 在和谈(parley),脱毛倒置又混杂(motley) 我们焊接(weld)我合并(meld),因 i 焊接是操纵(wield) 小样他闲聊(tattle),

2. 混合:Melbourne 墨尔本 | meld 混合 | melee 混战

3. 合而为一:Threshold超越极速 | Meld合而为一 | Dreadnought无畏舰

4. 混合,合并:muddle 混乱,迷惑 | meld 混合,合并 | mild 温和的

5. meld:model for end-stage liver disease; meld评分

meld 单语例句

1. MELD is a scoring system that predicts one's risk of dying within three months without a transplant.

2. The use of spices is common throughout the country and many dishes are cooked slowly, to develop the flavours and meld the spices.

3. meld的近义词

3. The tech sector is its first effort to meld function and fashion for a target group of young people.

meld 英英释义



1. a form of rummy using two decks of cards and four jokers
    jokers and deuces are wild
    the object is to form groups of the same rank

    Synonym: canasta basket rummy


1. mix together different elements

    e.g. The colors blend well

    Synonym: blend flux mix conflate commingle immix fuse coalesce combine merge

2. lose its distinct outline or shape
    blend gradually

    e.g. Hundreds of actors were melting into the scene

    Synonym: melt

3. meld什么意思

3. announce for a score
    of cards in a card game