

melt-out 双语例句


1. If the section only has superglacial melt-out till and lodgement till, it represents the stagge during which climate changed warm and glacier retreated quickly.


2. Subglacier melt-out till, superglacier melt-out till and flow till occur from lower part to upper part in the same section.

3. The major mechanism of formation of the ophiolites and the podiform chromite diposits in the Western Zhungeer area includes partial melting of the primary pyrolite and differentiation of the melt-out materials after they intruded. The differences between the two ophiolite types are related to the degree of partial melting of the pyrolite and depth of formation of magma chambers as well as oxidation state of the magmas.


4. Superglacier melt-out till and lodgement till.