mental retardation

mental retardation [ˈmentl ˌri:tɑ:ˈdeiʃən]  [ˈmɛntl ˌritɑrˈdeʃən] 

mental retardation 基本解释


mental retardation 网络解释

1. 智能不足:智能不足(mental retardation)是一种脑部发育的问题,当事人因为某些因素导致他的脑部发育不正常,因此他的智力会明显的比同龄者落后. 智能不足者的智力成绩会落在最后面的2%. 换言之,如果我们随机抽取100个小朋友来做测验,

2. 智力落后:智力落后(mental retardation)的概念曾经历了一个长期演化的过程. 每一个时期其定义的每一次大的变 化,都与适应性行为(adaptive behavior)的研究水平有很密切的关系. 本文将从适应性行为研究的角度,谈谈 美国智力落后概念演变的历史.

3. 智力迟钝:MSH能游离脂肪组织的脂肪酸,改善人的视觉滞留,改变神经的应急性,提高智力迟钝(Mental retardation)者的注意力和记忆力,以及减少其忧虑. 如配制成5%的滴眼剂,能增加眼睛对黑暗的适应能力. 对视网膜退化或色素变性病均有疗效.

4. 精神发育迟滞:精神发育迟滞(Mental retardation)又称精神发育不全,是一种可由多种原因引起的脑发育障碍所致的综合征,以智力低下和社会适应困难为主要特征,可伴有某种精神或躯体疾玻于发育期起病,随年龄增长,智力也稍有进步,但中、重度患者仍给家庭社会带来沉重负担.

mental retardation 单语例句

1. mental retardation是什么意思

1. She had said her baby was diagnosed with Trisomy 13 syndrome, a chromosomal defect that can cause severe mental retardation and death.

2. A deficiency can lead to illnesses such as endemic goiter and mental retardation.

3. mental retardation

3. Insufficient intake during pregnancy and early childhood can result in reduced intelligence in children, or a form of mental retardation known as cretinism.

4. He was also considered shorter than children of the same age, but showed no signs of mental retardation.

5. Even if they get rid of arsenic sources immediately, there is still possibility the children may suffer from mental retardation years later.

mental retardation 英英释义


1. lack of normal development of intellectual capacities

    Synonym: retardation backwardness slowness subnormality