
merchandise [ˈmɜ:tʃəndaɪs]  [ˈmɜ:rtʃəndaɪs] 

merchandise 基本解释

名词商品; 货物

及物动词销售; 买卖


merchandise 相关例句


1. If this product is properly merchandised, it should sell very well.

2. There's no use in manufacturing an item unless you can merchandise it.


1. We often call these goods merchandise.

2. The shop windows are filled with foreign merchandise.

merchandise 网络解释


1. 商品,货物:Memorandum 备忘录,记要 | Merchandise 商品,货物 | Merger 兼并,合并

2. 商品;货品:memory unit 存贮器 | merchandise 商品;货品 | merchandise turnover 商品周转率

3. 产品:媒介载体 media vehicles | 产品 merchandise | 讯息 message

merchandise 词典解释

1. 商品;货物
    Merchandise is goods that are bought, sold, or traded.

merchandise 单语例句

1. Or show that an album is not just a piece of merchandise, but can be something by which you identify yourself.

2. merchandise的意思

2. Some general merchandise firms have also tried to realize rapid expansion through capitalization involving mergers, acquisitions and market fundraising.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. One third of the top 100 chain store operators sold general merchandise, said the report.

4. merchandise的近义词

4. Hundreds of dollars'worth of merchandise change hands here every minute.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. Liu warned that commerce websites were being used by criminals to spread criminal methods, sell illegal merchandise and cheat people of their money.

6. Those owners who carry chemical fertilizers and pesticides have to unload and forego all merchandise that is banned in Jiaohu.

7. Beijing Olympic organizers are investigating four companies that allegedly have used child labor and other illegal practices to make official Olympic merchandise.

8. merchandise什么意思

8. Besides traditional matt gray tones, there are cool metals and earthy coloured merchandise.

9. Still to come are the commercial endorsements, speaking engagements and free merchandise that are par for the course in developed nations.

10. merchandise在线翻译

10. The government attributed the GDP slow down due to a drag on the merchandise trade and a very high comparative base in the first quarter.

merchandise 英英释义



1. 911查询·英语单词

1. commodities offered for sale

    e.g. good business depends on having good merchandise
           that store offers a variety of products

    Synonym: ware product


1. merchandise什么意思

1. engage in the trade of

    e.g. he is merchandising telephone sets

    Synonym: trade