merchant marine

merchant marine [ˈmə:tʃənt məˈri:n]  [ˈmɚtʃənt məˈrin] 

merchant marine 基本解释



merchant marine 网络解释

1. 商船:岂知被一些记者挖掘历史,查遍二次大战档案,在所有军租商船(Merchant Marine)船员名单中,遍查无此人;于是报纸一登,舆论哗然,连克林顿也罩不住,乖乖把棺木再挖出来,迁出阿灵顿公墓.

2. 船队:底座上有美国陆军、海军、海军陆战队、陆军飞行队(Army Air Forces,即后来的空军,当时空中力量隶属于陆军)、海岸警卫队(Coast Guard)及商业船队(Merchant Marine)的徽章.

3. 商船队:螺旋桨:Marine propeller | 商船队:merchant marine | 客房预订:Room reservation

4. 商船 qtm中国学习动力网:Merchant haulage 货方拖运 qtm中国学习动力网 | Merchant marine 商船 qtm中国学习动力网 | Metric ton 公吨 qtm中国学习动力网

merchant marine 单语例句

1. The US Merchant Marine Academy was created following a 1934 fire in which 134 people died aboard the passenger ship Morro Castle.

2. merchant marine的意思

2. Bush is the first American president to address a graduating class of the US Merchant Marine Academy.

3. Some came from old merchant ships that once traveled the Marine Silk Road.

merchant marine 英英释义



1. conveyance provided by the ships belonging to one country or industry

    Synonym: shipping cargo ships merchant vessels

2. the crew of a merchant vessel